Klasy 2021/2022

Erasmus + LOGIC and MATHS


A two-year project ‘LOGIC and MATHS’ was an efficient partnership between “Zespół Szkół w Lubostroniu” (Poland) - coordinator and “Istituto Comprensivo "G Pascoli" in Riolo Terme (Italy) - partner. 120 Polish participants and 400 Italian participants at the age of 3-14 benefited directly from the project. There were numerous activities had taking place on various levels of education. The project actions resulted with increase of key competences of participants, in accordance with participant’s abilities. The project supported abstract reasoning, creativity and logical thinking. Teachers exchanged experience with respect to teaching methods in science, esp. mathematics. The project helped to improve the quality of teaching and implementation of innovative methods. The international character of the project was the asset. We did 33 mobilities during three visits of students and two of schools' staff. Each school hosted participants from abroad. The project activities included: workshops with mathematic tools for outdoor and indoor use, games with respect to the project topic: ‘LOGIC and MATHS’. There were contests for different levels of competence. The participants attended maths classes and made observations. There were discussions, artistic contests, pervormances. The project gave input to raising interest in mathematics, deeper understanding  and development of skills of application knowledge in practice. Teachers exchanged experience and the quality of teaching grew.
Language skills and the understanding of European cultural diversity was enhanced.



  • Zespół Szkół w Lubostroniu : Szkoła Podstawowa, Przedszkole,
    Zespół Szkół w Lubostroniu,
    Lubostroń 13a
    89-210 Łabiszyn

  • Sekretariat Ewelina Rybczyńska, Magdalena Kapeja
    tel/fax. (52) 384 46 36

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